
My Film World: Blood Cinema

I am trying a different approach to Monday posts.  Instead of delivering a film review, I am going to offer something in regards to film that is not specifically a movie.  This could be, but is not limited, to literature, music or other blogs.  It is a way for me to continue my study of film outside of simply viewing movies.  I hope that what I mention helps you to expand your film palette into something more than the casual viewing.  I also hope that it will help to convey how cinematically inclined our world can be.

For the inaugural post I am recommending Marsha Kinder's Blood Cinema: The Reconstruction of National Identity. It is a rather detailed study of Spanish Cinema as it relates to their films from early filmmaking through the fall of Franco.  It is, in my opinion, precisely how one should approach film criticism.  It is conscious of the society, artistic expressions of the respective eras, and the ever-changing role the movies played to audiences throughout the 20th century.  Furthermore, it is a very complex, yet approachable, reference book on all film things regarding Spain, including a chapter devoted solely to one of my favorite directors Luis Bunuel.  It sheds light on some rather obscure films, as well as dispelling misnomers about some rather famous ones.  I enjoyed reading Kinder's research and would highly recommend it to anyone curious about the rather unique world of Spanish Cinema.

It is available on Amazon for a decent price used and well worth picking up.  More information about Marsha Kinder is available at her USC faculty webpage.

                          (Cria Cuervos is only one of the many excellent films discussed in Blood Cinema)


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